Sunday, March 6, 2011

Weekend Creativity

I was afraid I'd find it hard to be creative this weekend due to a cold and headache and a general under-the-weather feeling/malaise. However it went better than I thought it would. First, on Friday evening I bashed away on the bongos. I hadn't touched them at all in February after being very enthusiastic after I got them for Christmas. I looked at some tutorials on the internet and tried to follow them. There seems to be a lack of good tutorials though. I am working on technique and rhythm.

Then on Saturday I felt even worse and slept all morning and read in the afternoon. I decided I had to do something and decided to bake a cake. But then I had a creative breakthrough! One of the cats was asleep beside me on the couch and just like that I decided to draw her. I grabbed a pen and notebook and did it there and then. No rooting around for pencils and paper and second-guessing my self. Then I drew her again and again and after I drew two of the other cats. I can't believe I enjoyed it so much! It's a long time since I sketched for fun. Usually I'd talk myself out of even opening a sketch book because I'd know I would be unhappy with the result. I did quick strokes to try and capture their essence rather than getting every line right.

I am convinced because I had been in the creative frame of mind I just went for it and did the first drawing.

Today(Sunday) I drew some more and have a notebook beside me in case I want to draw again.


  1. Cakes are pretty creative Siobhán..(hint! LOL!) but animals are very hard to draw I always think. Good for you!
