I did some more drawing on Thursday, just sketching in the evening.
On Friday I did nothing really. I met a friend for lunch in Galway and talking creativity:) I also browsed the art supplies in Easons (simple pleasures - I am going to buy a book of pencils in greys and browns) and bought a sketch book. I love art supplies. When I went home I did one awful drawing and that was it. I was just too tired....
Yesterdy we went to Ennis to see Oliver! Colm was in the chorus and Hilda brought along the kids. Afterwards we went for a meal - it was a lot of fun. We came home last night and I played the bongos for a while. And C wore his new jumper!
Today (Sunday) I drew a little more and made a lovely dinner (not boasting, it was) and even invented a recipe.
Next week I am thinking I will dust off my sewing machine and/or try to learn a stringed instrument.